[align=center][b][i]-- Start Of Confession --[/i][/b][/align]
[spoiler]Omfg! wats with the congratulatory speeches and the msgs/advices?

hahaha..we jst went official,,its not like we were engaged or sumthing??!?!?!?! i LEL'd so hard reading ur msgs!

,,wahahaha..nwez, tenchu for the msgs (?)

I confess, I leld so hard reading wat they posted

,,Good thing me and my mareh are oki doks now **whew**..haha.im happy right now!! **dancing smiley**
I also confes,,I wish all of my probs will be gone..espcially the one happning right now

I also confess,, meralco loves me so much that our village went to a brownout while i was having fun at the confe..talk about Killing the Joy Meralco people,,but cant blame them,,the rain and the lightning was really hard!..but it went back on,,we dont have electricty for i think 2 hrs (?)..,,when i went ol,, [sup]he[/sup] wasnt ol yet

,,i think [sup]he[/sup] was still snoring..hahaah peace!![/spoiler]
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Last edited by --pUshnIt08-- (2008-07-10 16:58:38)