[color=#999999][spoiler][i][b]Sis Uma.[/b] Don't feel sad. We're here for you. I also experienced that before.
[b]I Confess.[/b]
[quote][b]1.[/b] Me`lhabzz him! Very much. This morning, he said "[i]I`Labyu[/i]" to me. Yiihii.. L0L.
I'm so [i]kilig[/i]. Hahaha..
Then when it was the end of the test, he kept talking to me & he hugged me. Yiihii..
Waah! I'm totally blushing & running out of my mind here. I'm going crazy here. But I suspect/heard that he has a GF. Sigh. But I think he doesn't have anymore cause he usually stays with me in school. Yiihii.. XD
[b]2.[/b] I can't breathe nicely. When I inhale, my back hurts so bad. Shucks. XP[/quote]