2008-08-15 07:04:41

» FTalkElite
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Re: [quote]This topic is not a YM Conference or chat messenger. If you want to post anything ABOUT your crush, you may either name them or describe them. And not posting like "I post them alredy" "Scroll

[b][color=#CC99CC]Chai's[/color] [color=#FF0099]Crush[/color] [color=#FF99CC]List[/color] :lol: [/b][spoiler][b]hoho im tired searching my crush list :lol: This is my new Lineup.. :lol: [/b] [b][color=#FF0099]Kristina16(popsicle)[/color][/b]- the uber kind mod in town =). her layouts are :wow: .effin nice to me,lurve sending me lots of quotations.hehe. i loev her soo much!! :wow: [b][color=#FF00CC]Forsakendoll[/color][/b]- wew the smexxy css queen. her layies always catches ma eyes. :O her looks are [b]STUNNING!! [/b] [b][color=#CC66CC]Duch[/color][/b]-shes nice to me alsoo.pretty.kind. i likes her layies too :wow: [b][color=#CC99CC]emlodee[/color][/b]- one the nice member here..co-rockstar.pretty of course.wanna know more about her ;] [b][color=#CC6699]Maye[/color][/b]- nice in making layies ;) .kind. of course stunning looks!! :wow: [b][color=#FF99CC]Nina[/color][/b]-shes one of a kind ;) pwetty.sexy. :wow: [b][color=#FF9999]joebz[/color][/b]- i dont know her but she seems nice. very helpful.i always roaming around at her tutorial thread. wee tnx fow sharing ur knowledge by means of tutorials!! ;] [b][color=#FF66CC]cheuw[/color][/b]-one of ma siisz,effin kind and nice to me and to other members.pretty too ;) hope to know her more.. ;) [b][color=#FF0099]Angeli_7[/color][/b]- the linker provider ;) .. i saw her pix in fs and her looks are :wow: =) eventho many member found her so mysterious..shes kind & soo nice ;) ..founder of Rockstars!! [b][color=#CC66CC]SiSTERS[/color] [color=#CC99CC]:arrow: ceii :rose: :arrow: jhay :rose: :arrow: dhen :rose: :arrow: eney :rose: :arrow: gemandi :rose: :arrow: brains and beauty :rose: :arrow: linniie :rose: :arrow: charm_caster0604 :rose: :arrow: black_eljoy :rose: :arrow: bheszt_19 :rose: :arrow: LOUISE.27 :rose: [/color] This gurlss are my sisters here i lurve them soo much :wow: ..like the way they loev mee. :lol: [/b] [b][color=#FF9999]Newest crush:[/color] [color=#FF6699]faith Rose icekandi triciabianca bianx[/color][/b] [b][color=#339966]DA BOISH(its only a crush :rolleyes:) Harvii James Elisha James Karuro Shirow :rolleyes: [/color][/b][/spoiler]

Last edited by 'AphrOdiTe' (2008-08-15 08:10:11)

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