I confess
[spoiler]I take a bath while cleaning the "not-really-dirty" bathroom at the church.

I play with the water hose with my friend.lol
I didn't come back last night because I slept over,unexpected.

I'm craving for Kit-kat chocolate bars and ice cream sandwich .

People are spamming on my fs.
idk if i can ride a ripstick?

cuz I definitely can ride a skateboard.
but have no idea if i can ride a damn ripstick.

that my friend is being so stupid.bwuaha. inocare anywayay.
I dont wanna be a part of that gay play at the church.

im sorry but its really gay. idk what in the world happen to my friend.
she wouldnt talk to me in the phone. she wanted to tell me something
but i couldn't go on anymore because i had to freaking leave
god damn it, i should've stay if i knew i only have to somewhat help people.
blah im so bored.[/spoiler]
Last edited by losher29 (2008-12-20 21:50:37)