
confess my confess

[i]special w/o spoiler


i feel extremly inloev for now

nyaaa he's ubercute

i just hope this exam wont ever done,
so i can study in 1 classroom with him eventhought he wasnt in 1 grade

I loev him so much <3


i feel fery curious with [b]anne and dondon[/b].
[i]i know there's sumthin between them,[/i]
but they wont tell me

dondon i mean

so i keep asking until they tell me teh truth.
who know if they both already became a couple?

i hope soo.
my beloved sizie and teh crazee donnut

[align=right][b]best confess of the day


i hate this exam. was hard =x=
i loev that subject, but that was effin crazee =x=

i just feel bored.boredboredboreeeeeeeed!

nobody to chat with D:
too bad amf =x=
i need sumone to talk dear!

end of confees