[align=center]i confess:
[spoiler][quote]that i miss my soulmate, she's mad at me. i can sense that. she hates me for telling her she's falling for me. and i know i was joking, she will never fall to a person like me. that's the reality and i hate it. i am now jealous to someone cause i know he's chatting with her. i hate it. i wish i am not that stupid. oh i really hate myself. i want to commit suicide <- ek that's to disturbing

i keep sending her PMs but still no reply until now. oh how i wish i could go back in time,

waa. i should stop myself for falling, waa. she's perfect, im not. she have a bright future, i don't. she's pretty, im beyond imperfect. i wish she will be loved. waah *im listening to a song of maroon 5

* oh she hates me . . . . i will be leaving on tuesday, and i will go to my house in manila, whoa im sort of excited, waa. my ex returns yesterday and she ask me to go to their house today for a chit-chat and i refuse for i am falling to someone's special. waa. i am a great example of "hopeless romantic fool" & "ultimate [s]torpe[/s] waa, im sick. oh by the way, im failing 3 unit subjects, gonna die soon, waa, i shall not finish high school if my performance is like this. tsk tsk tsk

oh i wish she's not mad at me

[quote][s]charlenajose, look i'm sorry[/s][/quote]