I confess...
[spoiler]... that i had a headache yesterday. I was banned to use the computer till morning, but thank god, dad has a meeting so i've got the chance to opeen up my laptop. I just received my new laptop, btw, last 2 weeks. More better than my oldie one.

... that, something is bugging me from inside, idon'tknow why.

Maybe, its because, i still don't have a partner to the upcoming christmas ball. WTH. I can't say yes to text messages, pm's & letters.

Its driving mee nutss. o.O
... that, i finally finished my promiseee to my besfriend dannish. I must be crazy in agree-ing witth her offer, but idon'tcare. Whatever. She'll be doing smething in return too

... that i wanna shout outside. I badly want my canon dslr back.

DMN. I want to use it again

If ever its broken, i'll wish to had one this christmas. [b]P.S[/b] ; I wanna have a *new pooring hat& a pink room. Im enough of this green room. XD
... that i christmas is coming too fast. And thank god, we'll be visiting philippines for one whole week. I know i would be inactive and busy lately, i have to pack my things up and buy buy buy.

I would be visiting my grandma and cousins at Los Angeles, this coming 20th. We'll be spending christmas there. A family reunion

... that im happy, ftalk is filled with much love lately. YEAAAHH, loooooovveeee :rose:[/spoiler]