I confess

-I'm mad at my sister.

She didn't tell me that Kuya Nathan was actually courting her. and FFFF.

She didn't inform my mom about it. It all happened today.

She doesn't want to tell me if they are really on or not. They went home together. and yeah, I was the one who was bringing my sister's fcken things.

I was like, "What am I? A Slave?!

" err. I admit; the roses were beautiful.

-I was very very glad to see Kuya Ruru awhile ago. (:< Dang. Can't wait for feb. 13.

-I'm irresponsible. T-T My class list is missing. T-T ugh. i realized that being a treasurer is not fun, and not easy. ;__; Sheez. how's my dream. ftw.

I want to be the 3rd yr rep of Student Gov. next school year. T-T I don't think i could still change this attitude of mine. o_o
-I have a hunch that this guy is mad at me. he's acting cold. but. it's just a hunch though.
-i'm happy to see my eyebags. getting smaller. sigh. i miss the confe and some members of mmp. esp. kuya trick. wonder where he is.