2007-12-22 21:38:52

» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: Here are all the codes that you need to fully customize your profile! No need to add other codes just edit it all and you can have a customized profile like mine, these CSS codes are the codes that I

[quote=sendokoru]hey about the codes tat nahtano gave at the 1st page..wat do i need to edit?...like (ur image url here) and (ur gif image url here)...<<< wat shud i put ?...i dun really understand..[/quote] some of the codes given by nahtanoj ex. [quote]/* PAGE BACKGROUND */ body { background-image: url([b]YOUR IMAGE URL HERE[/b]); background-attachment: fixed; background-position: center; background-repeat: no-repeat; background-color: transparent; scrollbar-face-color: #[b]HEX VALUE[/b]; scrollbar-highlight-color: #[b]HEX VALUE[/b]; scrollbar-shadow-color: #[b]HEX VALUE[/b]; scrollbar-3dlight-color: #[b]HEX VALUE[/b]; scrollbar-arrow-color: #[b]HEX VALUE[/b]; scrollbar-track-color: #[b]HEX VALUE[/b]; scrollbar-darkshadow-color: #[b]HEX VALUE[/b]; cursor: url("[b]YOUR CURSOR URL HERE THAT ENDS WITH A .ani OR .cur FORMAT[/b]"),default; } /* GLOBAL FONTS, PROFILE TEXT AND CONTENTS */ body, td, tr, div, p { color: #[b]HEX VALUE[/b]; font: '[b]10[/b]'px '[b]Verdana[/b]'; text-align: center; }[/quote] u may edit the bold parts there... @ ur question bout the url of .gif image, those image with .gif are animated like [b]http://i167.photobucket.com/albums/u138/mycomments_2007/Friends/1716.gif[/b]

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