2008-01-03 14:35:24

» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: Here are all the codes that you need to fully customize your profile! No need to add other codes just edit it all and you can have a customized profile like mine, these CSS codes are the codes that I

[quote=ezekielclarion]thnx foe sharin dude![/quote] Dude, making 32 postings in the forum with the majority saying nothing more than thanks for sharing is considered spamming as if you are just attempting to increase ur post count. That is a violation of the forum rules. [quote]Welcome to FriendsterTalk forum. The goal of this site is to be a fun place where Friendster users could hang out and discuss about anything. We support your freedom of speech, however we have a list of rules to go over. Read them carefully and follow them wisely. Warning and/or punishment will be issued to any offender. 1. Use your common sense. 2. Don't use language other than English (except in Regional Boards). 3. Avoid using any foul and offensive words, ALL CAPS, sTiCkY cApS when posting. 4. No spamming and flamming in any form. 5. No nudity and offensive content in any post including signatures and avatars. 6. No other forum/site promotion posts. 7. The usage of multiple accounts is not permitted. [b]8. Multiple threads and posts with no purpose or clear direction are not allowed and will be considered as spam.[/b][/quote] [quote=nerboi03]all of this aint not working i tried putting this about me section.. and it seems ...empty this one: <link href="http://h1.ripway.com/nerboi03/wakoko.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"> also this :: <%16link href=" http://h1.ripway.com/nerboi03/wakoko.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"%16>[/quote] You need to create an external css file with all ur css codes then use the linker code to paste in the meida box of ur profile. Read this tutorial for the basics.....[url]http://theftalk.com/t16257-%5Bcss%5D-Profile-Editing-newbies%29.html[/url] and [url]http://theftalk.com/t2376-%28.css%29-linker.html[/url]

Last edited by bobcbar (2008-01-03 14:42:56)

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