[b]Long Confession.[/b]
[spoiler][b]I confess[/b] that the YFC camp or the youth camp will be on October 31 - November 1, 2008. Yeepee; It's on Halloween. Boooooh;

& I'm so excited not only because the schedule is in Halloween

, but also because I'm gonna be a member of the coolest & funnest organization for Christ. I'mma swear to become religious when I'm already a member

I joined not only for meeting more new friends but also to communicate & worship our God. Huwaw; seems like I really want to join
But the only important reason of mine in joining the YFC is to be closer to the Lord.
[b]I confess[/b] that I've seen a lot of xerox-copies or copycats these days

& They're really driving me crazy

Hays; maybe they just can't do anything in life. Don't tell me they copy because they have things which are common with me

I'm sure that there's not even a single one which is common. But why do they still copy?

When will they ever give up on those actions? Uwwwee-uwwwee

Lolls; just kidding about the crying stuff, but the fact is that I'm really sick & tired of seeing copycats- even if they didn't copy me, but if I see them copying from other people

I'm watching you, copycats. Loll;

[b]I confess[/b] that tomorrow will be the last day of our exam. Yatta!

Happy dancing time. Yehey! Yeheee-hey! Yehey! Yeheee-hey! It's end of eeexams! Ha-happy daaancing!

Poott* But I'm so nervous about our projects, S.I.P./Science Investigatory Projects, clothes-making & stuff

Ghass; I can FEEL the Pressure! It's getting closer now. I'm better-off without you!

Lolls; [b]BTW[/b], it's Paramore - fever for me! [b]\m/[/b] Wooh! Hays; now it's reminding me about our band. It's been a long time since our band haven't jam anymore- I don't mean Paramore's my band huh. Loll; I meant my -slash- our band in school. Awww; I really hope we could jam at YFC free-time

[b]I confess[/b] that I miss watching anime & reading manga

Awtts; anyway, I know I don't have time for that so, I can't watch these days- unless my bro watches anime in the other PC. Wootts* Loll;
[b]I confess[/b] that it was really fun last Friday because we went to my friend, Juliane's house

Yeepee; & it was really fun. We kept playing outside- examples of games we played: Bang-sak, Ice-ice-Water, Tumbang Preso, Hide-&-Seek, Hide-&-Seek of slippers <-- Lolls, Badminton & many more. Huwee; we were so childish that weekend

& we watched the movie entitled Mirrors, it was so gross

Too bloody. But it was so cool. Wenk* Wenk* Weeenk* & we watched other movies which so horrifying

Ahaha; I'd declare that day as the funnest day ever in this entire year. Lolls; maybe some other day will break the record

[b]I confess[/b] that I'm not yet sleepy. But it's time for me to sleep. Ahaha; but I won't. Waah! What's my real choice?!

Lolls; I won't sleep yet. Wooh"[/spoiler]
[b]End of Confession.[/b]