[b]I confess..[/b]
[spoiler]... that i [b]superuberdupermegaextremelyfriggineffin[/b] miss this thread.

Its been a while since i post here. X3 Yeah. Unlike before, i confess everyday.

Im lacking of any words to say. I sometiems repeat my previous confessions and i hate being emotional. LOLwut?

I mean reading my confessions weren't that fun so don't bother. If you're reading this. A [b]MEGA[/b] thanks to you [i]stranger[/i].

... taht yesterday we do have a practice for the cheerdance competition. They chose me as a representative [i](i don't actually represent myself, but my friends were keep on cheering mai name)[/i]. X3 BUT-- anyway, its ok.

I can handle those liftings. At the 1st day of practice we try the 6 feet or 5 feet pyramid. I was on the top--- and i jump, they told me right after i jump do the rotation thing in teh air but sadly--i got a mistake.

I hit my head and i can't move my body. X3 After a 10 minutes break, i gain enough energy to stand up and do it again and Thankfully i did it. Haha.

I almost laugh at my first attempt anyway, i did it soo i was happy. When i got home from school i just rest. X3
... taht i'll be taking a examination in my advancement class in english. Wish me luck.

I don't any plan of reviewing our past lessons for i need to focus on our cheering. Wakaka. X3 My parents told me that if i fail they won't let me come with my friends this coming sem-break for our vacation. Effin HELL NO.

I might just review the hard lessons i miss for our trip last tiem in italia. ;_;
... taht i friggin miss [b]The Scandalers[/b]. Haha. I miss their crazyness.

Labyee Guys. Especially those people whom i often talk to, you know who you guys are. Trixx <33 You always.

... taht i'm ending mai confession. X3[/spoiler]
IMiss Mai Kambz, Ate Duch, Cici, Koro, Mami, Ate Harung and Chii. . AND A llottt moar people.
Last edited by Trixx.xii (2008-10-13 05:45:39)