• » [b]Can we put some confessions here???[/b] :| :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash: [quote][i]added by eehjhay[/i] Please search for the word "confession" before you post your gibberish here. Don't be

[b]Can we put some confessions here???[/b] :| :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash: [quote][i]added by eehjhay[/i] Please search for the word "confession" before you post your gibberish here. Don't be

» FTalkGeek
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]Can we put some confessions here???[/b] :| :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash: [quote][i]added by eehjhay[/i] Please search for the word "confession" before you post your gibberish here. Don't be

^ oh wow ephe,, its like i think the second or third time u post here. :lol: and wow,, ur ava is really :wow: i confess, .. this is my 500th post. .. that i'll be going on hiatus next week, for a month i think. :penguin: .. im gonna be with my bf, coz he's going home next week. :wow::wow::wow: .. i LOEEEEVVVVVVV MY CLASS-S FAMILY to death.. .. im loving, BAMBOO -UMAGANG KAY GANDA.. :lol: i was like playing it for 5 times now.. :lol:
» FTalkWhiz
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]Can we put some confessions here???[/b] :| :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash: [quote][i]added by eehjhay[/i] Please search for the word "confession" before you post your gibberish here. Don't be

i confess i didn't go to school. i confess i ate a lot. i confess i made someone smile :D :thumbsup:
» FTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]Can we put some confessions here???[/b] :| :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash: [quote][i]added by eehjhay[/i] Please search for the word "confession" before you post your gibberish here. Don't be

I confess... [spoiler]Mommy and I will buy foods for the fieldtrip on Saturday! :P I gonna be with OG (Bea, BJ, Karol, Reg, Taze and Airam) on Saturday. They might join us in the bus. Oye. :thumbsup: :thumbsup: OG are just my [b]true[/b] friends, and I love them! :) Airam will be my partner. OMG. I'll just tell Jeron to join us, too. :D I hate [b]her[/b] (classmate)! I will not talk to her forever!!! I'm tired. :([/spoiler]
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]Can we put some confessions here???[/b] :| :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash: [quote][i]added by eehjhay[/i] Please search for the word "confession" before you post your gibberish here. Don't be

I confess is that Ephe? haha. I sleep so long today. SUCCESS :ninja:
» FTalkWorm
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]Can we put some confessions here???[/b] :| :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash: [quote][i]added by eehjhay[/i] Please search for the word "confession" before you post your gibberish here. Don't be

[b]i confess.. -wee..sometimes i want to sing "can this be love" wuahaha..right jesse??.. =D -waaa..i think the girl is too young for you.. wuahaha.. (you know who you are..) -i am soo glad that kuya guile granted my simple request.. :P wee..you are the best kuya.. :D -i can't stop laughing whenever i see my adviser..wuahahaha.. -i miss home.. :crybaby:[/b]
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]Can we put some confessions here???[/b] :| :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash: [quote][i]added by eehjhay[/i] Please search for the word "confession" before you post your gibberish here. Don't be

[quote=eney0715]-wee..sometimes i want to sing "can this be love" wuahaha..right jesse??.. =D[/quote] high five me too :P - I confess I'm listening to Stayin' Alive. could save my life. :ninja:
» FTalkAgent
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]Can we put some confessions here???[/b] :| :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash: [quote][i]added by eehjhay[/i] Please search for the word "confession" before you post your gibberish here. Don't be

[spoiler]I confess I'm scared of earthquakes *childhood trauma. It makes me feel like It's the end of the world already. No kidding. I just felt one a minute ago. And dang! My head hurts so effin' baad. I feel whoozy. :|[/spoiler]
» FTalkGeek
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]Can we put some confessions here???[/b] :| :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash: [quote][i]added by eehjhay[/i] Please search for the word "confession" before you post your gibberish here. Don't be

[b]I miss my rockmates ^^[/b] [align=center][img]http://img390.imageshack.us/img390/9641/69138363le0.gif[/img][/align] [b]Jesse for President! =D[/b] [url]http://www.tsgnet.com/pres.php?id=370743&altf=Jogbnpvt&altl=Kfttf[/url]

Last edited by Angeli_7 (2008-10-23 05:55:11)

Infamous J
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]Can we put some confessions here???[/b] :| :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash: [quote][i]added by eehjhay[/i] Please search for the word "confession" before you post your gibberish here. Don't be

[quote=eney0715]right jesse??[/quote] [quote=losher29]high five me too[/quote] Omg. :rolleyes: [quote=Angeli_7]Jesse for President[/quote] You too?? :rolleyes: :lol: I confess some Rockstars like to believe in things that are not real. I confess some Rockstars are very "advance" thinkers. I confess that you all (Rockstars) make me :lol: and :rolleyes: I confess I'm awake very early again this morning. But only 3 hours of sleep last night. :wallbash: I confess it's nice to see Angel online again. I confess I'm missing 2 or 3 people. I confess that I need to talk to "someone" about her confession. I'm :o but hoping that it's a happy and good thing to be :o about. I think you know who you are....I must give you my new YM ID so we can talk. =) I confess I am officially placing (early) my vote for Sen. Barack Obama for president today. I confess that I'm very happy to be a part of history, and every day it seems more and more likely that Obama will win. I confess if Obama does win the presidency, it is essentially Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.'s dream...finally achieved. What a wonderful moment. =)

Last edited by Infamous J (2008-10-23 06:00:18)

» FTalkGeek
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]Can we put some confessions here???[/b] :| :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash: [quote][i]added by eehjhay[/i] Please search for the word "confession" before you post your gibberish here. Don't be

[quote=Infamous J]I confess it's nice to see Angel online again.[/quote] [b]Bwahaha =D[/b] [b]Nice to see you too Jess and other rockstars members online :)[/b] [b] I confess that:[/b] [b] I just realized the music video is out already :O I helped created some props on the set for Taken By Cars' Music video "December 2 Chapter VII" Check it out! Directed by a good friend "Pancho Esguerra" :thumbsup:[/b] [youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pLjdLnB3Abs[/youtube] [b]As you can see i helped decorated the lights ^^ You'd see me as one of the girls on the party scene..Keep Rockin' \m/[/b]

Last edited by Angeli_7 (2008-10-23 06:49:39)

» FTalkAgent
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]Can we put some confessions here???[/b] :| :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash: [quote][i]added by eehjhay[/i] Please search for the word "confession" before you post your gibberish here. Don't be

I confess we still don't have work tomorrow =D
» SuperFTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]Can we put some confessions here???[/b] :| :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash: [quote][i]added by eehjhay[/i] Please search for the word "confession" before you post your gibberish here. Don't be

[b]i confessed that i used my sister's laptop.. in more than 3 hrs.. :wallbash:[/b]
» Banned
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]Can we put some confessions here???[/b] :| :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash: [quote][i]added by eehjhay[/i] Please search for the word "confession" before you post your gibberish here. Don't be

[spoiler][b]I confess i miss my dad and im missing someone[/b][/spoiler]
» FTalkWhiz
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]Can we put some confessions here???[/b] :| :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash: [quote][i]added by eehjhay[/i] Please search for the word "confession" before you post your gibberish here. Don't be

I confess that: I`m not online yesterday because I`ve got to review for the [b]Science Quest.[/b] *nose-bleed. The the bloods pay because I`ve ranked 10. Huweeee! :lol: I`m Completely [b]Numb.[/b] :retard: Believe it or not. I feel [b]nothing[/b]. Just Numb. and Hey! Guess what? i don`t feel the love anymore. =| and even the hatred. :doubt: errr. I hate my Life.[For being so awful and ridiculuos]. I`ll thank Ftalk much Beacause it gives me pleasure and I can express my Numbidity in here. :| :| :| :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash:
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]Can we put some confessions here???[/b] :| :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash: [quote][i]added by eehjhay[/i] Please search for the word "confession" before you post your gibberish here. Don't be

^ :O we're just the same. =| [hr] I confess.. - I just finished printing my chemistry project. My brain got dry. :o [i]dunno the right term. :wasted:[/i] I was having epistaxis while typing the intro, the conlusion, the objectives, and more! :doubt: T.T - I don't know If I can still review for chemistry, statistics and Mapeh tomorrow. I'm super lazy na. :crybaby: I want the field trip! :crybaby: - We didn't have a session for DLTM awhile ago. :wasted: We're totally incomplete. :wasted: - I'm hating a b*tch. Nah, of course I hate it. XD - I really hate statistics. :| - I got 34 on social stud. I hope that grade is fine coz I really hate social stud, ever! xD - Imma start reviewing now. - it's the last day of periodicals tomorrow. - and the day after tomorrow is the field trip. YAY for me.! :D - after that, we're going to have a new seating arrangement and I hope I will be placed beside him :rolleyes: - I don't knw whos that fkken thin guy :O:mad::mad: Zeia and Julz! their mouths are really stuck together. I hate them! :mad: - that I'll be off now. bye! :D
» FTalkFreak
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]Can we put some confessions here???[/b] :| :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash: [quote][i]added by eehjhay[/i] Please search for the word "confession" before you post your gibberish here. Don't be

I confess: Im shock to see someone's pic up here :O not so mysterious after all I notice that there are so many fickleness in the air :rolleyes: I'm :| noone is interested in the eighties. shame on you :P jk I've finished w/ my drawing entry 2 days ago for the contest & need a cam so i can post it already
» FTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]Can we put some confessions here???[/b] :| :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash: [quote][i]added by eehjhay[/i] Please search for the word "confession" before you post your gibberish here. Don't be

I confess... I won't be joining my super friends tomorrow at SM. :crybaby: I'm not yet done with this fvking campaign! :angry: :wallbash: I wanna see [i][b]braces[/b][/i] tomorrow :D I'm freaking in love with my Illustrator! =D I'm sleepy. Good nights y'all. :P
» SuperFTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]Can we put some confessions here???[/b] :| :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash: [quote][i]added by eehjhay[/i] Please search for the word "confession" before you post your gibberish here. Don't be

[quote=eney0715]-i am soo glad that kuya guile granted my simple request.. wee..you are the best kuya..[/quote] hmmm.. i think i know that "simple" request... :) i took part on that =)=) [b] - i confess that I have gave the consent to somebody to allow my favorite iha to be happy :) - i confess that I wont be as active as before due to some commitments. - i confess that i will miss everyone especially my Rockmates and all other participants of the PCW and Off Topic thread.[/b] [quote=sugarstyx_x]I'm noone is interested in the eighties. shame on you jk[/quote] I am interested, sis. I tried posting but it looks like that I'm restricted. idk...

Last edited by jieduck (2008-10-23 10:33:41)

» FTalkWhiz
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]Can we put some confessions here???[/b] :| :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash: [quote][i]added by eehjhay[/i] Please search for the word "confession" before you post your gibberish here. Don't be

i confess that im shock they give me 3 repu at a tym...thanks!!!!:o i confess that i have wound...got from the knife :wallbash::wallbash: i accidentally hit my finger when im slicing meat...:wallbash::wallbash::wallbash::wallbash: but i miss that pain...:lol::lol::lol: i confess that i miss my ex clm8 from FU!!! hope they'll ok w/ thier new group!!!:( thats all!
» FTalkAddict
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]Can we put some confessions here???[/b] :| :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash: [quote][i]added by eehjhay[/i] Please search for the word "confession" before you post your gibberish here. Don't be

I confess I that I'm uberly disappointed with other people regarding this other topic in Ftalk. I thought I will earn enlightenment but I didn't but I am happy some have understood me. Also, I'm craving for spaghetti. :lol:
  • » [b]Can we put some confessions here???[/b] :| :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash: [quote][i]added by eehjhay[/i] Please search for the word "confession" before you post your gibberish here. Don't be

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