[spoiler]I confess, i'm checking my Yahoo emails now.
I confess, I am listening to ASAP playin in the background in my living room.
I confess, i woke up with a big headache, must be a hang-over

I confess, my mom made blueberry muffins this morning

I confess, as I was watching ASAP on TFC, I realized that I would much rather be with a Filipino boy, than an American boy.
I confess, I love all the signs of fall/autumn outside, such as: crunchy leaves, orange, brown, dark green color themes, the cool temperature, and wind.
I confess, I'm so hooked on the Twilight book

I confess, last night, I watched Hannibal Rising past midnight, it was a gruesome movie, but now I understand why Hannibal Lecter's a 'freak' ...
I confess, my ex-boyfriend texted me while I was watching the movie and told me that he still had deep feelings for me

Sadly, I don't feel the same anymore...
I confess, I can't wait to watch HSM4! My friends and I are going together!

Okay. the END![/spoiler]
Last edited by jmaex3 (2008-10-05 16:30:46)