[b]I confess...[/b]
[quote]... taht i wanna congratulate all those Anghels our there.

We were waiting for the Part 2.

[spoiler]... taht its been quite a while since i've posted here. Im tired of writing the things i do everyday. Haha.

Actually-- im really lovin my crazee life with different crazee people too. X3 You'll get to know me soon.

... taht i was about to [b]E D i T[/b] my profile a while ago because i found it really-- Fugly. But my lazyness strikes and darn i find it hard to edit it. It was like-- i don't know anything. Haha.

Poor little Kid. Imma ask [url=http://theftalk.com/p=portuniecho]Looney Tunes[/url] for some new codes.

I kno-- he can help me. Maybe i'll just edit it right after we have arrived at Qatar. After-- i fix all the [i]stuffs[/i] i need to do.

... taht i was shocked. I didn't know [b]x[/b] and [b]y[/b] were BESTFRiENDS. Though-- [b]y[/b] told me that they were just Friends. He [i]never[/i] treated--[i]Uhhmm.NEVER? xD[/i] [b]x[/b] like a besfriend. Haha.

Nothing- i just lol'd when he did some things to annoy [b]x[/b]. He even told that `x was... Haha.

... taht i was loving doodle. Haha.

I have been doodling wif my Bear, Achi, Mamii and Soulmate last Saturday, Sunday, Friday.


I was laughing so hard wif Bear's revelation. Muahaha.

Do you wanna know it? Ask HIM.

I already told my achi about it and she was just liek --

. Peace Achi.

I was really laughing hard-- too bad there was a conference of The Scandalers so we just end up with their.

Anyway-- i've been to several conferences this week

... I [b]MISS[/b] Harung and Ainaness.

My [b]OC-Padme[/b]. My Big Bro. Ate Aya. XD I've never seen some of them.

//[b]edited[/b] I also Miss my [i]Mamii[/i]
Last edited by Trixx.xii (2008-09-29 09:04:22)