[b]i confess..
-i asked for another advice from tatay jie..

because i really don't know what to do..
-i saw someone's pics..and wuuu..i've got to admit..that person is really dang good-looking...

an Ftalker..

-i hate my pathetic life..

-my beshies in the Pinas think that i am becoming snobbish..

but the truth is i am really avoiding them..

for my own sakes according to my mom...

talk about the "wow..your friends are bad influnce..look at you.. you are becoming a rebel".. wuu..etc..etc..blah..blah..
-i really want to change..

i want to lessen the nasties in me.. wuaaha..
-i think i have a crush on... urghh..nevermind..
