[b]i confess[/b]
[li]i detect a [i]poser[/i] flirting around in teh crush thread
[li]this week is one of teh [u]worst[/u] week of my life
[li][u]im getting girly but not flirty[/u]
im being this for [b]dongbangshinki[/b]
[li]im starting to buy anything which is [color=hotpink]pink[/color]
[li][b]i always put on[/b] : powder, foundation, pink blush powder, body spray / mist, white lotion, deo and perfume after i take a bath
[li]i cant stop thinking about [b]dongbangshinki[/b]
[li]i want to tell everyone that [b]dongbangshinki, tongvfangxienqi, tohoshinki, dbsg, dbsk and thsk[/b] are all referred to teh same boy band which is [u]TVXQ[/u]
[li]i want a circle lens so badly
[li]i have business test tomorrow and im not in teh mood for studying
[li]im taking up [b]english, math, ICT, physics, chemistry and business[/b] for my O Levels
[li][u][b]it rained today and there was a water fight
i didnt join but someone splashed water on me[/b][/u]
[li][b]it rains once a year here[/b].
no wonder why my schoolmates were so happy about it
[li]i think im having a [b]fever[/b] from teh water fight