I confess I added this [i]"poser" [/i]in FS && he/she sent me a comment that I couldn't understand, it was Mandarin, i guess *lawl. whateverr. He/she seems [b]nice[/b]. && I don't think he/she's a[i] poser [/i]or whatsoever.

I confess my [b]knees hurt [/b]&& [b]my palms are scathed[/b]. I stumbled on my way home yesterday. [b]Stupid me[/b]. [i]Ugghh, the paiiinnnn.[/i]
I confess I'm having second thoughts of having a [b]premade thread[/b].

I confess I hate [b]Barney[/b], my li'l sister's a [b]HUUUUUGE[/b] fan. Darn it. [i]I love you, you love me --- [/i][b]BLAHH![/b]
I confess I'd be inactive for a while, i dunno, like 2-3 months?

--- is it me or its getting really boring here at Ftalk?. Pfft.
[b]OTAAAAAAY[/b], sayuunara people.
Last edited by obsessed95 (2008-11-07 02:45:51)