I confess..
..I missed FTalk su su muchh!
I almost feel like a stranger here already
..I really miss [b]Class-S[/b] ='(
..I had a great time during my birthday..despite how exhausted I was from our (me and my friends) shooting for our movie during the night..
..my parents and I are going to visit our relatives in Capiz tomorrow, which means, no Internet.. for six days [i]holy crow [/i]O_o
..that my dream (wow, dream) to make [b]Twilight[/b] layouts before the movie's release went [i]poof[/i]! Hahaha. I only managed to finish two. HAHAHA.. Speaking of Twilight I wanted to watch it again today but unfortunately I'm coughing too hard so I'mma get some rest for tomorrow..Err.
..that I want to have fun today and [b]PARTY[/b]! rofl O.o