Im to [b]LAZY [/b]to do things
[b]IM NOT[/b] use on doing things [u]without a mouse on a laptop [/u]
[i]&&& the one im using right now [/i][b][u]DOESNT[/u][/b] have one, damn it
[u]I got TIREDD of playing[/u] [b]MONOPOLYY[/b]
[b]OhSNAAAAAAP [/b]I[i] have nothing to do.[/i]
Im bored, WE'RE playing PS2 but I have a break
[u]My hands[/u] are [b]SORE[/b] [b] xDDDDDDD[/b]
LOL somebodys being [b]GAYY[/b] right now, eat me, eate me,
[u]EAT your shit thats what it[/u] [b]xDDDDD[/b]
[b]OKAY[/b] [i]I think i have to go.[/i] im[b] OUT [/b]. [b]**bye bye. nighty night[/b]
Last edited by losher29 (2009-01-20 04:41:39)