[spoiler]i confess that...

i viewed lea's proffy last night...and

ohw sis lea...shes gorgeous.. im not being plastic or
something.. im just telling the truth..

and as i read the confession of sis lea..hmm i was like

sis lea., dont you worry., ck and i are just friends.
ck and bob are my closest boy friends here in ftalk..
im not going to steal ur baby..

(ang tweet)
promise..to da highest level...

well anyway ..just take care of him., jealousy is normal to those people who are inlove..
just trust him... handle it w/ care..

regards to clarcky..ops
dont be jealous...were just frnds anyway! hehehehe..ps i have my bf too..
were almost 1 year.. so dont be scared...ok??
goodluck..and god bless! hope ur relationship will last long..

i almost forgot..i was'nt mad at you..

why do u say so??
were frnds ryt?
i confess im tired..

we had are practice! sucks.,
ifugao dance..errr and our DI?

shes always late...