[b]I confess[/b]
[spoiler]1. That I freaking hate it when he asks me "[i]Are you okay?[/i]" I mean, do I look okay to you? And please, don't show any intention of loving me when I know that [b]WE'VE[/b] already moved on. Yes, I know that you're totally over everything and I'm on my way there so, don't push so hard cos it's really not cool. And I don't want to breakdown and cry myself to sleep. Again.
2. There's no point in reliving dead relationships, Baby. Specially when you both know that nothing good's gonna come out of it no matter how hard you both try. Although, yes, I've always wished that we're together again. But nah, I won't bet so much on it. You love somebody else now.

3. That I've missed you more than I have to and it sucks cos I don't know how to hide it. [b]AM SUCH A LOSER.[/b]
4. I remember way back then, you used to tell me how beautiful I am. That no one can make you smile the way I did. But we're out of that now. Honestly, you won't even care if I'm still alive, right? And it really hurts.[/spoiler]