[sub]i'm glad i was able to chat wid mah babes ysterday

i really missd those crazy chat time that we usd to hav[/sub]
[spoiler][sub]i missed tweaking FS accounts...it's been a while since i last did dat.[/sub]
[sub]i'm tryn to mke a layout eventho i dont hav the time & in spite the fact that im not familiar wid the tricks now-a-days

[sub]i havent vsted the T&T section to look at codes n a while now.[/sub]
[sub]i've started the layie but i cant fnsh it yet., i stil hav a few minor adjstmnts to mke but i cant do it, so hard to wrk widout lights...[/sub]
[sub]i tried to make an opaque image but the outcome's diffrnt

but its ok, its stil usable

[sub][b]my eyes hurt[/b][/sub]
[sub]my bro keeps chekn if im stl awake

Last edited by sHy19 (2008-09-10 04:11:13)