I confess
I'm regretting that I told 6 of my friends [accidentally; bcos of a problem before] that my crush has a crush on me too. (im not joking okay)
He doesn't even know that I told them! But when he told me that he has a crush on me, he told me not to tell anyone but still I told everyone! (I mean 6 ppl) And now I feel like I'm backstabbing him bcos of that.

And I'm afraid for him to know that I told some of my friends. WHY DO I HAVE TO BE SO LOUD! I could've just told it to my close friends (3 ppl) and not brag it to teh whole campus! I feel like an idiot right now. And I feel so ashamed.

He'll figure it out.... Sooner or later he'll hate me for what I have done