[quote=nina123456]no wonder sis.. yer soo pretty..[/quote]
but your more prettier than me..lolz!
anywayz,i confess again and again..
i was having a coffee on our terrace a while ago..
then,i was looking around the view when i suddenly saw our neighbor's window..
i looked at it and guess what i saw!!


hittei teh spoiler!!
[spoiler]a guy shaving his private part!!!

woohooo!!i was uber shocked!!

like my heart suddenly beat tripled than its normal beating!!


i really dont know what to do after i saw that!
i was so uber paranoid!!

erghhh!!i even spill the coffee that i was drinking..
wakaka!but that was so uber woohoo to me!!

brulalala!that's all![/spoiler]