I confess...
that I'm still uploading files to my new Imeem account (350 songs so far, about 1,500 more to go)

that I'm wondering who the next Interim leader of Rockstars will be?
that I'm missing bro Jar, sis Melody, and sis Rose.

that I'm happy that sis Paulette joined our group, too.

that if [i]someone[/i] wasn't so stubborn or hard-headed that maybe we would be friends again, since it was [i]not[/i] my choice to end the friendship.
that I don't really mean to be "snobby" to [i]that person[/i], but I'm just being me. Love me or hate me.
that I'm really starting to get sick of hotels.

that this is my longest confession in quite some time.
that I prefer to post in Rockstars more than in FTalk.