[NEW] Confessions.....

Today [Monday] was the start of Spirit Week, which will lead to my school's Fall Homecoming!

Monday's theme was "Support Your Troops Day", I wore green/brown to show my support =]

Overall, my day was very BUSY! I'm really exhausted....

Another good friend of mine on the soccer team asked me to Homecoming, but I already have a date, so I said 'NO' ...

I feel bad for that friend ^^ of mine, he really thought he had a shot with me...

My bf's dad took my digital camera home with him, so now I'm texting Brandon to tell him to bring it tomorow.

Tomorow is "Cereal Day!" so I'll be dressed up as a Fruit Loop, along with my bestfriends! I dibz'd the Orange Fruit Loop

Okay, enough confessions for now. Tata FTalk!