I'm certainly bothered that I didn't submit my science homework!

[u][b]UGH[/b][/u]!For some reason, I don't want my grades to drop.
this quarter I miss 2 home works. I wonder if I can maintain my straight A's!
cause the last time I messed up, I managed to keep up my grades!
I don't know now! arrgghh. GOD help me!waaaah.

That my friend got slapped on the face today

I saw her running crying real hard. I really feel awful about seeing that.
this is her pic:
Isn't she pretty?![/spoiler]
and another one is that my dumb ass friend, I mean like she's not my friend. She got scrapped by local girls.
She's filipino and I hated her. She doesn't even know how to spell "waffles".and she's calling me a dumb B****
for some weird ass reasons, I don't know why. I'm a shame of her.seriously.she's really dumb and still acting that she is smart. I mean one time she got 1/20 on a quiz and I got 18/20. see how stupid. She can't speak english that good too.

That I haven't posted anything in the past few days. Only in rockstar!
haha. I see to much spammy topics. and I haven't confess for a long time too.

That our group is really fun. We talk everyday. There is an issue about me and Malow

But anyway the group has been doing great!..online people are there and also


That there are too much new bands nowadays! and most of them are not that good.
I want to hear new songs too. I'm also asking kuya Jesse about the greatest artists/bands in the 90's . haha

[b]Weekends [/b]
Tomorrow,Saturday, I'm going to ask my friend camille/kaylen about the hoolaualeia or what ever the spelling that word.
I'm gonna ask them to come with me. Just to let you know that its a not a date

that event is actually traditionally celebrated every year.

i don't know what is it about because its my first time here in hawaii.
bahahaha so let see.
and yeah we might go to the beach this sunday too.

That I'm sincerely disgusted with my page. so I used pre-made layout. that I'm inactive too.
but pretty soon when I already fix my page I'll be back on track.

I have a new picture.

Its all about me of course. It shows what I look like at 2000,2001,2002 up to 2008.
haha. It's just some kinda experiment.

Ultimate confession

[spoiler]Its obvious that I didn't or organize my confessions? eh? lol[/spoiler]
ill finish this thing later.
peace out