[quote=Infamous J]that I find it funny how defensive sis Bel is about Bill Kaulitz.
that I'm really not making fun of him for how he looks. If he wants to be different, that all cool with me. I'm not knocking him for that. But he does look like a woman.


[quote=theejhay]OMG. Bill Kaulitz really does looks like a girl. ahahahaha.[/quote]

i confess that today is sunday.,! and sunday means tagalog day in rockstars!!!
weeeeeeeee~~~~~i hate you guile! hahaha., no english today in rockstars.,^___________^
i confess that i didnt go to church today coz i woke up late.[/b]
Last edited by As cicatrizes (2008-10-04 20:39:56)