[b]Tinnaaay[/b] I was the one who made sista chariz signature

Just a gift for her.
[b]I confess...[/b]
[spoiler]... taht i was dumbfoundedshockeen when i see him comment in my profile. Like What?

Its unusual, really. X3 Err-- so i lalab him again <3. As always-- i never knew i've met a crush online. Haha. Enough of Crush stuffs (:
... taht im missing chariz so i plan to gave her a gift, well i thank her for she was really my idol. I miss her.

Well-- she have been active this days.

SOO-- hooray. Party hard. Lulz.

Anyway-- im glad she love the gift i gave her. Its uber FUGLEH >o<
... taht i have advancement english class yesterday and we study about the S-TV-Do liek again? AND-- i've learn some new words yesterday.

I was laughing so hard when my teacher fail to finish the lessons for we have almost consume 2 1/2 hours. I decided to go the NET for 1 hour and go straightly at the mall. Villagio. I almost bought a pair of black lolita doll shoes? Lolwut?

Yeah. Then-- 2 pairs of jackets. X3 We ate at The Steak House then off to go. I thought mai parents would get angry because i did go home late.

BUT-- thankfully they aren't home yet when i go home, they attend some party so they got home 11 : 00 PM. >o< Anyway.. Im still happy about that.
... i didn't [b]GOO[/b] to school today. X3 I feel- tired?
