i confess
[spoiler]THAT im loving a taiwanese drama entitled " [b]it started with a kiss[/b] " this drama is from a manga and i really uber LARRRBBB it.
THAT i miss him... a lot
THAT i hate my grades.. imma copy to my classmate? no but i will do sumthing so i'll past the exams.
THAT i wish math is NEVER invented. it just makes people SUCK.
THAT i [s]hate[/s] people who's help by someone and i don't like CHOOSY people when it comes into friends. they're so PLASTIC even they don't admit it

THAT i like to be a [i]maldita[/i] for a month. i'll make BABIES/super [i]kulit[/i] KIDS cry.

THAT i notice he likes kids. awww opposite of mine

THAT i WISH my eyes are okay. huhu i cannot stand the pain. i have PIMPLES on the other side of my eye

THAT imma study on math. im AFRAID to fail.
THAT i have new layout at my blog. weepee!
THAT i dun have any NEW FANSAYN.
THAT i love ate kim's story in literature section.
THAT this is very long confession so imma end it. im just bored and my eyes are starting to go out from my eyes.

<--- liek this
