2009-01-12 06:39:52

» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]Can we put some confessions here???[/b] :| :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash: [quote][i]added by eehjhay[/i] Please search for the word "confession" before you post your gibberish here. Don't be

I CONFESS... [li]I ruined our [i]almost-perfect [/i]desktop. Again. Some apps won't run. And by some I mean My WMP, Yahoo! Messenger, FileZilla and also My Computer, My Documents. Even the Start button won't work! IDK what I did wrong. Great, Ice. You're so great.[/li] [li]I'm so addicted to BLG (Boys Like Girls) that I listen to their songs all day! I so need a life. Hahahaha.[/li] [li]I wanted badly to go on a vacation. Wooo. As if what I did last week and the week before that was not enough, eh? :3 Srsly, I wanted to go somewhere. With Luigi. LOL[/li] [li]I am so disappointed with myself for loving someone so much. OHOHOHOHHH~ I mean, I never imagined I could.. but I did, anyway. So yeah. Whatev. Watta emo modes again.[/li] [li]That I'm asking God every night to enlighten the minds of [b]Ftalkers[/b] so that they will not post their confessions inside spoilers. I mean, what's the use of confessing? I wonder if you do that when you go to church.. Write the confessions inside something and then let the Priest guess what's inside. Like a game, you know.[/li] [i]We have discussed this before. But look at you now! Still following rules? NO.[/i]

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