--Start Of confession--
[b]Open at ur own risk [/b][spoiler][quote][b]in·se·cure [/b]
1. Not sure or certain; doubtful: unemployed and facing an insecure future.
2. Inadequately guarded or protected; unsafe: A shortage of military police made the air base insecure.
3. Not firm or fixed; unsteady: an insecure foothold.
4. An act of [b]criticizing [/b] what other people has, have done or have achieved or posessed just to make them feel good about themselves
5. An act of Jealousy to a person's status in life.
1. Lacking stability;[b] troubled[/b]: an insecure relationship.
2. Lacking self-confidence; plagued by anxiety: had always felt insecure at parties.[/quote]
^ ever felt that?
wahhaha,, i LEL'd so hard!
[b]I Confess..[/b]
Im so insecure at sumbody that i critcize wat she did evnthough it wasnt that bad at all..I just said that so i cud feel good about myself..gosh!
--End Of Confession--
Last edited by --pUshnIt08-- (2008-06-29 07:34:31)