[align=center][b]I confess[/b]
I'm quite fine [sup]*for now* [/sup]... my real life friends helped me with the crap that was going on yesterday.
[quote][i]:rose: I was close to banging my head on the screen when I got a pm from my best friend Ioline who told me how bad her day was going, I suddenly had a smile on my face knowing that I didn't have IT that bad compared to her...
:rose: Then I got another pm from Sarah my bessie who's basically my voice of reason. She tells me things that I already know but I'm kind of denying. So that cheered me up a lot.
:rose: Then I got a pm from my dear friend who I call "he/she"
he/she's a lesbian
... he/she started with insulting me then telling me how crappy her day was too like Ioline and he/she got me to ROTFLMAO when he/she switched on her cam and showed her new *coconut* hair-do. HER/HIS NAME IS [b]JESS.[/b]
:rose: Last but not the least I had a talk with my former flame Bassel... who was just so dang funny. I had second thoughts about talking to him cause he usually gets me more depressed with his problems BUT I'm so glad that I did, cause he ended up making me laugh so hard when he suggested that I should sock my mom on the face. [sup]*what kind of a lunatic suggestion is that!?*[/sup][/i][/quote]
[b]I'm waiting for [i]someone's[/i] pm. I'm not looking for an argument... I just need some clarification.
I watched One missed call,Shutter,Resident Evil [sup]*my fave franchise along with final fantasy and silent hill*[/sup] ... Then watched my uber fav. movie which isn't something minors should see ... I wont post the name here I don't want kids to look it up
... On todays list Kung Fu Panda,Dead silence.
[quote=kristina16]i love reading siz rose's confessions
its very intriguing
:idea: Oh crap maybe that's why my recent posts have been edited or [b]deleted. [/b] ...
*tadaaaaaaaaan I edited thy post cause of Nix's post below.
Last edited by fis.ms (2008-06-24 06:20:07)