[quote]#post 4146
i confess that i don't see anything wrong with it[/quote]
[quote]#post 4148
I confess that I don't think I'm reviving anything I'm just clearing out something...blahbla[/quote]
[b]@Sir eejhay[/b]
i wasn't referring to my [b]signature[/b]. (HUH?!)
i was referring to my last line in #post 4143
you deleted this part
[quote]Can you spell [url=http://i25.tinypic.com/am9px1.jpg]pwned?[/url] still lmao here

have you checked the images if it was offensive or not before editing my post?
I guess not...
because you do not even know that the image was a flower.

ahh so you were not saying that it was offensive.
Why delete it then?
sorry if i keep asking. I'm just confuse...
[b]i confess...[/b]
i cant turn on my television

i think i destroyed it. zomg. Otou-san will kill me.
Last edited by forsakendoll (2008-06-26 08:01:40)