[b]I confess that i'll be very busy for the next few days to come...really busy

I can hardly get online here

I really had a great time with some members here...They're really funny, we just talked about anything...this and that..blah blah blah and just laugh about everything.. till next time guys

It's almost the first day of July...gotta update some things

[/b] [b]Life rocks \m/[/b] [img]http://i26.tinypic.com/n1f47m.jpg[/img]
[b]We have a new egroup activity..Click below to vote:[/b][img]http://i27.tinypic.com/20uwjdf.jpg[/img]
[b]L.O.L[/b] [img]http://i27.tinypic.com/20uwjdf.jpg[/img]
Last edited by Angeli_7 (2008-06-29 14:55:10)