[quote=dondon]I confess im inspired in Joebz and Forsakendoll's siggy, that's why i create also. ahihi.[/quote]
[color=#848284] You don't need inspirations from us

All your siggies are good im practically drooling hihi
[b]I confess[/b]
...i think i'm confessing too much lately in this thread

...my new siggy is [b]loev[/b] (Hope it will last another 3 months

...I loev sizley's post in this [url=http://theftalk.com/t38453-To-A-Special-Member.html]thread[/url]. Very heart warming <3 awwww. I loev you too sizley !
...that I'm taking a longer time than expected transferring my files to FileAve because I'm fixing the layies and updating 'em at the same time [b]*exhausted.exe[/b]
...I miss making [b]lip singing videos[/b]. I wanna make a funny video again hahaha

(mebbe tomorrow..

...I'm wondering if i can post harmless pics now since admin did that in SnF hmmm.. *scratches head.
...that I'm a good friend --you can expect me to do lots of [b]cute random things[/b] for you but if you cross me my [b]anger[/b] is [s]terrible[/s]. [/color]