[quote=kristina16]confess... i miss don... i only get to see his posts here in confessions...me want to talk to him ..hows life don? how are they? you know her and him?[/quote]
[b]@ Tinay[/b]
yeah, i also see that.
we only talk here at confession and some other thread. I want to know you more.
I want to become 1 of your bestfriend. thanks for being so nice to me.
if you need me, you can msg me anytime;)
[quote=charm_caster0604]confess that i'm missing all my ftalk friends!! waaaah! i miss kuya dondon and ate faith.[/quote]
Really? i miss you too. sorry if i only often to message to you or ol in ym.
hows ur life? did you find your prince? hehe.. tc alwayz
[quote=aRies04991]I need that kuya don![/quote]
yeah, we all need that.
Goodluck to all of us. thanks for the comments
I confess i want to Greet [b]jheneko[/b] a Happy Happy Birthday..
anyway thanks for the repu. whats your age now? hehe. Tc always ok.
I confess im laughing at my class today.
we Just only watch youtube at the class haha.
and our prof is the 1 who started it all, instead of reviewing our upcomming exams. hahaha.