i confess i wanna tell u sumthing abt my

[spoiler][b]u wanna know who is he?
uhmm... he's sweet.. yeah

kinda cute.. and caring... he is not intelligent but he's funny. someone caught him holding the camera and starting to take pictures of me in every angle

so she told me and she thought i know that. he's been heartbroken for a month and still searching for his luvlyf... i always recommend him to my friend but he always gets mad. his face has a 3 or 4 small [i]nunal[/i] and that is making him cuter! when im sad, he always approaches me and he'll smile, sometimes he just prefer to sit and talk at me on our TLE subject than talking to erwin. it makes me weird coz there is no boy in my lyf who just prefer to sit and talk wid me! the way he acts makes me feel comfortable and special. He always smile on me. sometime he thought im crying but my eyes was only itchy. he said:::
[i]" uy! bat ka umiiyak ate? (our nickname. he's my kuya and im her ate)"
i replied " hindi ako umiiyak. makati mata ko."
he replied" wag ka na umiyak, lady cute

*with matching smile*"
i started to fall for him when he said to me that he don't need a cute girlfriend coz im very cute. gashhh

sometimes i think why do i fall for him coz i like boys that is intelligent. He's very simple, approchable and caring. I always see him watching my moves, watching me as i smile and i always see him [i]nakatitig[/i] while smiling at me. gasshhh!

he's the perfect one foe mee