[quote=Infamous J]I confess that I am supporting Barack Obama in this November's presidential election.[/quote]
[b]Same here..

But there are rumors that he doesn't like Filiipinos???

That's creepy


I miss my rockmates..even when i'm busy i find time to be online to interact with you guys and make sure that everything's doing well and all that

I'm having a migraine in reading all the books...My major international exam is coming..a few more weeks..I'm getting anxious...Prolonging the agony ahaha

Congrats to Bro Jesse and Sis Eney for being Rockstars of the month ^^

I wanna thank Bro Arctic for leading the group last month..He really did well

It'll be another new rockin' experience having Bro Guile as new leader of Rockstars..So Rockmates should behave well lol

Members are increasing lately in the Rockstars egroup..We should probably set some stricter rules in accepting new members

I'm excited for the VMA's

Keep Rockin' ^^ \m/[/b]