i'm disappointed right now, but still glad.
I was sad when i wasn't able to list my name in the Philippine Blog Awards 2 guest list..
Just this afternoon, my friends texted me and told me that they had my name listed. I was like sooooo happy. But then, I know I can't come. I wasn't able to ask permission a day ahead, and I already had plans for this day. They even went to our house to come pick me up. It was so sad that their surprise for me was wasted.
And now, i soooo envy them.
There they are, at One Esplande,
Here I am, in front of the monitor.
I wasn't able to attend tha first PBA.
Even the second.
i don't want it to go on three.
I will do everything just to attend the 3rd Philippine Blog Awards

oh, and i'm still working on my site. T_T