I confess..
• I gave a wrong address to her ^.

jk size 8. lol
• I'm sooooo


when I saw that [i]jhayyuliajay[/i] posted again and take note on the confession thread.

• I really appreciate mumikeyk [i]tinay[/i]'s concern to me. Finally, I got the chance to talked to her. And release this overlyemotiveandextreme ill feelings that I've kept since the month starts.
Ohh gaadd, it stinks.

Thanks to my [i]pain reliever[/i]. [sup]*sigh*[/sup]
• I don't want to force myself to[i] sleep[/i] but I have to b/c I should be in school by 6.15am.

• I'm sooo excited to wear my new [i]gray[/i] jacket tomorrow. weeeeee.
Last edited by gemandi (2008-09-21 09:21:14)