[b]Some Replies[/b]
[spoiler][b]Umaa[/b] I think you must have to know what might happen soon if you did some actions, like for example-- you try to avoid him by not talking to him or just ignoring him, will it make your situation moar better or will taht action make your situation worse. XD Just try to know-- the positive and negative sides. For better-- I think you have to confront him. X3
Waah. Anyway-- Gudluck Uma.

I'll try to [b]PM[/b] you in YM if you're online.

Gudluck Sista.

[b]I Confess...[/b]
[spoiler]... taht i have problems with my photoshop. When i was about to save the signature im making a pop-up just came up saying -- [i]can't save because the file was Locked. To unlock the file you must use the Properties Command in the Windows Explorer[/i]. Aww. Idon't know waht to do. Gawd. I can't stay it. :3 I really wanna share mai work to them.

Amf. XD I hope someone could help me in mai Problem.

I was asking Tunie about it but he didn't answer.

I'm planning to re-install it. But-- when i try too, it was error too. FCKKEN COMPUTERR!!1!11!1!1 I Hate mai Computer.
