I confess..
- I miss my Fone..

it is still broken..

my mom isn't guilty for breaking it..

i mean accidentally..

she dropped it while we were at the wet market at Khorat..while buying Buko..

gosh.. it hit some bukos and booom! on the floor.. thats why its Basag!..

dang.. i touchscreen thing isn't working anymore..

- I feel so guilty for showing that I care about him..

so stupid of me.. XD
- I am jealous of his ex..

gosh..i know that i shouldn't have..

but.. i don't know..

Like..everytime we chat.. (which we seldom do..) his ex is always part of our conversation..

- I am eating Balot right now..Urghh..i missed eating it..
Last edited by eney0715 (2008-12-08 10:36:13)