2009-01-15 14:06:23

Shim Oo-Ma
» FTalkWhiz
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]Can we put some confessions here???[/b] :| :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash: [quote][i]added by eehjhay[/i] Please search for the word "confession" before you post your gibberish here. Don't be

I confess i want everyone's future experience in this year to be happeeee :D:D:D When someone feels sad, i always feel sad. Especially when its my friend =( I regret myself when i can't help people. I always fail to cheer people up. I feel useless... =( It's like I'm just standing there seeing the person being isolated and wait for someone to cheer him / her up :cry: I know at the same time, i wanted to help him / her but i just can't do it since if i did, it won't help him / her a bit.. :doubt:

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