i confess...
[spoiler] i feel so evil -- bad...
coz im enjoing seeing som1 hurt...
& my reason, well, its self-centerd...
that person's really nice ..
i jz cant help it..mybe coz i kinda felt wat that person s feeln & the source s the same.
[spoiler]--- hmmn., iv been wanting to reply to somthng
which the messge s really kinda irritating...
coz that one s kinda trying to revive an issue w/c has already been put to rest
--- grr., his words stil lingers on my mind.
i know he's jz lying... [i](jz lyk he's alwys been
[sub]kidding[/sub] i think)[/i]
but wel, its jz kinda hard to ignore...
y'd u hav to entr my life agen
--- i confess i wanna kinda warn sombody...
dont fol so easly... hmmn u myt jz get vctimized
--- i so miss my babes
Last edited by sHy19 (2008-05-30 20:20:46)