• » [b]Can we put some confessions here???[/b] :| :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash: [quote][i]added by eehjhay[/i] Please search for the word "confession" before you post your gibberish here. Don't be

[b]Can we put some confessions here???[/b] :| :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash: [quote][i]added by eehjhay[/i] Please search for the word "confession" before you post your gibberish here. Don't be

» FTalkManiac
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]Can we put some confessions here???[/b] :| :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash: [quote][i]added by eehjhay[/i] Please search for the word "confession" before you post your gibberish here. Don't be

i confess... [spoiler]i wanna get out of this stupid house.. its lyk a living hell to me... dang it... [/spoiler]
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]Can we put some confessions here???[/b] :| :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash: [quote][i]added by eehjhay[/i] Please search for the word "confession" before you post your gibberish here. Don't be

I..............SLEEPWALK :wasted: Not what you expected, eh? :O OOH and, I tried to kill my younger brother once. By getting a knife and scaring him off. =D Revenge is the solution to every problem! (for my brother that is) :lol: (I'm not harsh, just evil) =)

Last edited by blancheee48 (2008-05-24 11:23:50)

» FTalkGeek
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]Can we put some confessions here???[/b] :| :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash: [quote][i]added by eehjhay[/i] Please search for the word "confession" before you post your gibberish here. Don't be

i confess that.. [spoiler]i've been having a hard time in forgetting HIM. and i don't know why. i always think of him.:crybaby: but i know he's isn' thinking of me. i feel that she already has a gf.=( [/spoiler]
» FTalkFreak
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]Can we put some confessions here???[/b] :| :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash: [quote][i]added by eehjhay[/i] Please search for the word "confession" before you post your gibberish here. Don't be

^ aww. same here sis. but i don't think it's necessary to forget :doubt: ---- i confess i'm yearning to blog. i just composed my entry but my [b]new[/b] blog's still not done yet. i'm waiting for sis faith to help me.. thank you sis faith. labsuue. :rose: [spoiler]i confess his girlfriend looks like me. *sigh* you know what's playing on my mind :disgust:[/spoiler]
» FTalkManiac
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]Can we put some confessions here???[/b] :| :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash: [quote][i]added by eehjhay[/i] Please search for the word "confession" before you post your gibberish here. Don't be

[align=center][b]i confess that our dsl is slow and i am so irritated..[/b][/align]
» FTalkManiac
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]Can we put some confessions here???[/b] :| :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash: [quote][i]added by eehjhay[/i] Please search for the word "confession" before you post your gibberish here. Don't be

[spoiler][color=blue]I confess that I am feeling strange again today. Ever since I've known about it, I feel like I have known it for so long. I mean how could I possibly feel that well in fact I never really met that person or even know him deeply. Yeah, i know him but not that much. sheez! i guess it's not that easy to confirm what I really feel. Whew! I am having a weird day. =|[/color][/spoiler]
» FTalkGeek
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]Can we put some confessions here???[/b] :| :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash: [quote][i]added by eehjhay[/i] Please search for the word "confession" before you post your gibberish here. Don't be

[b]Confession #1 I once tried to kill somebody, a childhood friend, that irritated me. I was picking up the knife but my conscience took in and made me take a spatula. :lol: Confession #2 I made fansigns but I don't think they like it at all. :cry: Confession #3 I don't like going to public restrooms. :o Shocking ain't it? A confession related to this is I don't like peeing in urinals. I prefer toilets. :wasted: Confession #4 I prefer to stay indoors no matter what the circumstances. Confession #5 I don't eat [i]ampalaya[/i], it makes me so mad when they make me do it, it tastes like some bitter... something. :evil: [hr] That is all my confessions. Very disturbing isn't it?[/b]

Last edited by Deviantangel1995 (2008-05-25 04:42:00)

» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]Can we put some confessions here???[/b] :| :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash: [quote][i]added by eehjhay[/i] Please search for the word "confession" before you post your gibberish here. Don't be

^ Yahaha, I like teh 1st part. =D I dont eat ampalaya too. And and and I hate beans(heinz) and and I also don't eat monggo. =D And I agree with your third confession, public restrooms are dirty. Makes me throw up. :puke:
» FTalkGeek
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]Can we put some confessions here???[/b] :| :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash: [quote][i]added by eehjhay[/i] Please search for the word "confession" before you post your gibberish here. Don't be

[b]@Blancheee: Beans are so gross, especially the Heinz, I also hate every other bean out there. I hate them even in [i]halo-halo[/i] it makes the taste change. I don't monggo either. Public restrooms are so disgusting, especially the ones in swimming resorts. :thumbsdown: @Topic: More confessions. Confession #6 Speaking of Heinz, I hate Heinz ketchup. It takes like beer with tomato, the taste is too strong. Confession #6.1 I prefer UFC banana ketchup, I like the sweet and spicy flavor. I also like Del Monte but I not that much. Confession #7 When I buy [i]halo-halo[/i] I ask them to not put anything except the [i]sago[/i] and the banana because when I eat [i]halo-halo[/i] I usually remove everything except those two things. Confession #7.1 I ask them to put more milk on the [i]halo-halo[/i]. :drool: Confession #8 I hate the following vegetables: Carrots = I just don't like what it tastes. Spinach = It's so bitter. [i]Ampalaya[/i] = Like I said it's bitter. I hate them so much. Confession #9 I once forced my Service driver to take me home because I don't want to go to school when I was in Prep. =D :thumbsup: Confession #10 I hate stray cats, whenever I see one I kick them but I love domestic cats. :3[/b]
» FTalkWhiz
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]Can we put some confessions here???[/b] :| :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash: [quote][i]added by eehjhay[/i] Please search for the word "confession" before you post your gibberish here. Don't be

[align=center][b]I confess that im inlove oh no,, And i confess that im still learning in Animation Shop.. oh noob..[/b][/align]
» FTalkAddict
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]Can we put some confessions here???[/b] :| :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash: [quote][i]added by eehjhay[/i] Please search for the word "confession" before you post your gibberish here. Don't be

[b]I confess..[/b] :arrow: Its been a while since I last visited this site. i feel like a newbie again. =| :arrow: 3rd year, first sem is just around the corner. im kinda excited. :D :arrow: I was pissed out this week. There was no electricity for a week because of the typhoon.(darn typhoon cosme!) Im in Pangasinan right now. Dagupan to be exact. :D
» FTalkWorm
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]Can we put some confessions here???[/b] :| :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash: [quote][i]added by eehjhay[/i] Please search for the word "confession" before you post your gibberish here. Don't be

[align=center][b][u]my confessions...[/u][/b][/align] [b][i]first[/i]..sometimes, i pretend that i am not feeling well so i can skip school..:D [i]second[/i]..this morning, aunt rosie just came for a monthly visit...:wallbash: that is why i am not on the mood...:D[/b]

Last edited by eney0715 (2008-05-25 07:27:19)

» FTalkFreak
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]Can we put some confessions here???[/b] :| :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash: [quote][i]added by eehjhay[/i] Please search for the word "confession" before you post your gibberish here. Don't be

I confess I just got back from Manila! O__O I'm getting all excited right now. 5 days of no Internet, no FriendsterTalk, no Friendster, no chat, etc...... Am so happy to be back home! I missed a lot of fun again. T___________T I confess I didn't eat anything today except for some chocolates and a burger. We've got lots of burgers and chocolates right now. Whewww.
» SuperFTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]Can we put some confessions here???[/b] :| :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash: [quote][i]added by eehjhay[/i] Please search for the word "confession" before you post your gibberish here. Don't be

i confess tom. will be another nerve racking day for me...haiz.. wish me luck lolengz =D
» FTalkManiac
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]Can we put some confessions here???[/b] :| :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash: [quote][i]added by eehjhay[/i] Please search for the word "confession" before you post your gibberish here. Don't be

:arrow: I confess that I am stucked into something.. I can't get out :wallbash: I can't breath :/ nor I can't move. this is irritating me!! :evil:
» FTalkGeek
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]Can we put some confessions here???[/b] :| :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash: [quote][i]added by eehjhay[/i] Please search for the word "confession" before you post your gibberish here. Don't be

I confess I'm excited to have a driving lesson (although I know how to drive already). For "whatever purposes". I'm also excited to my cousin's debut. Talk about handsome college guys and.. camwhooorrriiinggg. :eh:
» FTalkWhiz
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]Can we put some confessions here???[/b] :| :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash: [quote][i]added by eehjhay[/i] Please search for the word "confession" before you post your gibberish here. Don't be

i confess i miss the old FTALK too1 =| i rmmbr one time, when i was still a newbie! i violate rules! no one is perfect! right?! u cant blame me for being so noob newbie! :lol: hahhaha... actually this is was my 1st forum! never joined forums before! not interested, until ftalk appears to my life LOL :paranoid:
» FTalkWhiz
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]Can we put some confessions here???[/b] :| :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash: [quote][i]added by eehjhay[/i] Please search for the word "confession" before you post your gibberish here. Don't be

i confess.! that i my goal here is to be mod someday.! but i think that wont work. haay.! how sad.
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]Can we put some confessions here???[/b] :| :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash: [quote][i]added by eehjhay[/i] Please search for the word "confession" before you post your gibberish here. Don't be

@DeviantangeL: YAY We have teh same hates. LOL I hate beans. EEEEKK Every beans in this country must die!! :retard: =D Secondly, I hate dogs :evil: When I was a kid, I used to be chased by dogs every time I go out of our house. =) Believe it. =D
» FTalkGeek
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]Can we put some confessions here???[/b] :| :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash: [quote][i]added by eehjhay[/i] Please search for the word "confession" before you post your gibberish here. Don't be

[quote=karuro72002]i confess i miss the old FTALK too1 =| i rmmbr one time, when i was still a newbie![/quote] I confess I feel the same as what Daddy do. I miss the old FTALK, back to where the members are quite few and everyone knows who's who. But still, i enjoy the present ftalk too. It's just that.. I miss the old times. :crybaby:
  • » [b]Can we put some confessions here???[/b] :| :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash: [quote][i]added by eehjhay[/i] Please search for the word "confession" before you post your gibberish here. Don't be

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