I confess that I'm not so excited about our trip to Manila this Wednesday. The weather's bugging me. And I want to continue watching DVD's.

I'm also getting obsessed with DN right now (which happens every time I'm watching an anime series for several hours straight) I got

after going directly to the last episode and reading the last few chapters of the manga. Dang, why did everyone have to die like that? Now there won't be any sequels at all. Lolerz*
My best friend finally learned how to make her own layie through the tuts here in Friendstertalk and I was so happy for her. I've been urging her to study about the codes since last month and now she finally got it. This will be fun.

I found a nice webcomic created by a DA member and the drawings are so nice. T_T I really want to learn how to draw like that. Perfect proportions and everything. Maybe I could share this comic in our egroup's lesson after all then. That'll do.

Also I hate it when people send plenty of GM's in YM. It's really annoying. I deleted them from my list but it seems they can still send stuff to me...? LOL Grawr, I don't even know her.

Last edited by joebz (2008-05-17 12:07:26)