Okay. This is a confession thread.
So I'll post some confessions.
[i]Fyi.[/i] I use this : [b]Honesty[/b].
And I'm not trying to flirt someone in here or anywhere. I'm not a philanderer.
I'm not a [b]hopeless [/b] person who flirt everyone in here.

[b]1st confession :[/b]
I'm getting roiled with this life. [url=http://www.imagehustler.com/0408/1210665160.jpg]Too many imbecility everywhere[/url]. Even in the real world.
I found 3 stupid and non-qualified adjudicators when I followed a debate competition yesterday. How come the 3rd speaker could bring a new argument?
[b]Hello Mr and Mrs. If you are not a professional. Do not become a judge in a competition. You are disregarding the competition. We use World Style, not Indonesian Style.[/b]

[b]2nd confession :[/b]
I lost my internet connection yesterday. The ISP in here is really chintzy.

And that killed me. Cause I couldn't meet my hunney. I miss him so bad. And I miss Class-S too.
[b]3rd confession :[/b]
And truly I really despise a [url=http://www.imagehustler.com/0408/1210666051.jpg]person[/url] now.

Arrogant, this person thinks that she/he could control everything. [url=http://www.imagehustler.com/0408/1210666255.jpg]O rly?[/url]
No one is perfect, including you too. [url=http://www.imagehustler.com/0408/1210666450.jpg]Even you did make some mistakes[/url]. I remember you were such a [b]perfectionist [/b] person before. Now look at you. Abuse. Abuse. Abuse. Abuse. /b/~
And another one who take all problems too personally. Now I can see your purpose clearly.

You will never reach that. For sure, until the Season 10 of TTGL [url=http://www.imagehustler.com/0408/1210666548.jpg]I will obstruct yours[/url], [i]leader.[/i] Oh you look great...[b]NOT![/b] </sarcasm>
Btw. Just a reminder.
I never asked you to [url=http://i27.tinypic.com/2me3f6f.jpg]click any text[/url] from my confession.
Why complaining? [url=http://www.imagehustler.com/0408/1210666111.gif]lulz.[/url]
No rude action or barbarous acts.
Just talking to my brick wall.
Here is the visual aid for you.
Have fun talking to the wall. [/b]

[b]Edited :[/b]
Talking about reputation. I confess I really despise people who begging for reputations. lulz.
Last edited by deathwish4MCR-freak-dude (2008-05-13 04:38:20)