ok.... im telling this... waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa... its really embarassing but i guess past is past...
--- i confess that this is the greatest confession ill ever confess in my whole life! And this will be my first time to share this... not only to someone but in PUBLIC waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.... im even doubting if i should finish this post. waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!
--- i confess that i dont know how to do the spoiler thing...

so i guess everyone could see this... waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.... i feel like crying now.

--- ok here I go... i confess that I already experience going out without underwear....

waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!! this is stupid. Yeah, its for real....

i was supposed to meet my bf at the church... and bcoz i hurried and changed my outfit several times, maybe i just forgot to put back my p*nty on.... well the good thing is that i was late so my bf was home b4 i reached the place... well its funny coz i was on my MINI SKIRT

and i just realized that i didnt have any p*nty when i lumped into bed uncrossing my legs and i just saw it.

Last edited by :stacie: (2008-05-31 00:53:06)